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In order to carry out its mission of creating an unfiltered space in which artists and public can interact in meaningful, productive ways, the Esopus Foundation Ltd. is dependent upon the support of organizations and, especially, individuals. Your donation to the Foundation, a New York not-for-profit corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, is fully tax-deductible. You will receive an email receipt for your records. 

If you'd prefer to donate by check, please print out and complete this downloadable order form and send it along with your check to the Foundation's mailing address: Esopus Foundation Ltd., 64 West Third Street, #210, New York, NY 10012, or fax it to us at (212) 473-7212. 

You can learn more about the thank-you gifts we offer in exchange for certain donations here. Please note: If you elect to receive a thank-you gift, the tax-deductible amount of your donation will decrease by the estimated value of that gift, as required by law.